How to write 'play chess' in English: Tips for Spanish-speaking chess enthusiasts

como se escribe jugar al ajedrez en ingles

As a Spanish-speaking chess enthusiast, there are many terms and phrases in English that you may want to learn in order to better communicate with other chess players or to study chess literature in its original language. One of the most fundamental phrases to know is 'play chess' or 'jugar al ajedrez' in Spanish. In this article, we'll explore the different ways to express this concept in English and provide you with some useful tips to improve your English chess vocabulary.

  1. Verb + Preposition: Play chess
  2. Alternative expressions
    1. Make a move
    2. Have a game
    3. Play a match
  3. Tips for learning chess vocabulary in English
    1. Read chess books and articles in English
    2. Watch and listen to English-language chess videos
    3. Practice speaking and writing in English with other chess players
  4. Conclusion

Verb + Preposition: Play chess

The most common and straightforward way to express the idea of 'jugar al ajedrez' in English is to use the verb 'play' followed by the preposition 'chess'. This phrase is widely used by chess players all over the world and is easily recognizable by English speakers.

Example: "Do you want to play chess with me?" (¿Quieres jugar al ajedrez conmigo?)

Alternative expressions

While 'play chess' is the most common way to express the idea of 'jugar al ajedrez' in English, there are some alternative expressions that you may encounter in certain contexts.

Make a move

When referring to a single action in a game of chess, you can use the verb 'make' followed by the noun 'move'.

Example: "It's your turn to make a move." (Es tu turno de hacer una jugada.)

Have a game

Another way to propose playing a game of chess is to use the phrase 'have a game'.

Example: "Would you like to have a game of chess?" (¿Te gustaría jugar una partida de ajedrez?)

Play a match

When referring to a more formal or competitive game of chess, you can use the word 'match' instead of 'game'.

Example: "They will play a match for the championship title." (Jugarán un match por el título de campeón.)

Tips for learning chess vocabulary in English

Now that you know the different ways to express the idea of 'jugar al ajedrez' in English, here are some tips to expand your chess vocabulary in this language:

Read chess books and articles in English

One of the best ways to improve your chess vocabulary is to read books and articles about chess in English. This will expose you to a wide range of chess terminology and expressions used by English-speaking chess players.

Watch and listen to English-language chess videos

Another great way to learn chess vocabulary in English is to watch and listen to videos of chess games, tutorials, and commentary in this language. This will help you get used to the pronunciation and intonation of English chess terms and phrases.

Practice speaking and writing in English with other chess players

Finally, the best way to internalize chess vocabulary in English is to practice using it in real-life situations. Try to find other chess players who speak English and play games with them, or participate in online chess forums and chat rooms where you can practice writing and speaking in this language.


Learning chess vocabulary in English can be a challenging but rewarding experience for Spanish-speaking chess enthusiasts. By mastering the different ways to express the concept of 'jugar al ajedrez' in English and by following the tips provided in this article, you can expand your chess knowledge and communicate more effectively with other chess players from all over the world.

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